Hello everyone, this is the first Network Marketing blog post.. obviously.. Got this started because I believe network marketing is one of the best business model in the world today. However, I believe, many of us have tried and failed in network marketing, therefore becoming skeptical in network marketing. Hey, to speak the truth.. just about a year ago, I HATED network marketing !

However, this mindset of mine change when I took up Internet Marketing and walk the footsteps of an entreprenuer. I soon came to realise why network marketing is considered as one of the best busiess models in the world.

Currently the Word's Richest Man, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway owns 3 Network Marketing Companies. He quoted " dollar for dollar, its the best investments I've ever made."

Financial Advisor and best selling author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" book series Robert Kiyosaki states the business "..gives people the opportunity with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth."

Fortune Magazine called the industry "The best kept secrets in the business world"

Well, obviously it would be difficult for people to accept this fact should they experience "scary past experience" from network marketing. Especially when they were "forced" by friends to sign up. I hate to say this but that played a very huge part of me hating network marketing at that point of time.

But I do hope people will give network marketing a new fresh look. Lets just say, its for the industry, or should I say, maybe in the future, should you want to build your own wealth, you might consider network maketing as one of the options. The business is not at fault, its the people who is "push selling" that brings down the reputation of network marketing.

This blog is dedicated to people who is in the business of network marketing. It does not matter which company you are from, I celebrate your mindset to try to live your dream. I hope wht I will share in time to come, will help build your business and lift your business to greater heights.

Enjoy your stay here, and hope you like what you read..