Building A Retail Network

Posted by Kenji Tay | 1:22 AM | | 0 comments »

In network marketing, the fastest way in aquiring wealth is building a strong organisation and have it duplicate generatios after generations. That is what most experts teach. Because it is a cruel fact that network marketing is a business that is easier to be build fast.. than slow, due to the momemtem, energy and motivation.

It is however, not always that someone would join your business. Therefore, there are ways for you to come around this should you wish to prospect them in the future again.

First is to build a successful network yourself and as always, people flock towards success. When you are earning $5000 or $20000 or residual income, it is inevitable that people would want to know how you do it. Therefore, the people whom you have prospect before but decline to join you, might be interested to join you this time around.

Second, is the retail network. Through retailing, sometimes known as prefered customer program, one is able to receive commission volume. This can help add to your commission pay out at the end of the month. What is more important however, is that you get your "future prospect" to sample and test out the products should they not be interested in the business. This again, linked to the products as discussed earlier in the blog.

If your product is good and beneficial to their health or.. whatever service you are providing, people will see the need in the product and gain more confidence in the product you are sharing. So, while it is a line that cannot be duplicate, you still earn your commission volume through retailing and second, you are instilling confidence for people in your products.

What I meant to say is, if the product is amazing and gets very welcomed by your customers, you might ask if they might be intrested in the business because after all, they are using the product and they also get a chance to build wealth or earn a few hundreds just sharing the products to other people.

It is like, if you are a movie lover, you will keep going back for more movies in the cinema. If you can earn money by refering good movies to other people and all you need to do is to continue watching movies, would you want to do it ? The answer is obiously yes because you are still paying and getting your movies in the cinema but the only difference is that you get to earn some money refering movies to others.

That is why your product line is important and a reason why a preferred customer program is neccessary for people who is just interested in trying your products and not your business in the first place. Therefore, when the person whom you introduced the business to did not see the opportunity in the first place, it is sometimes harmless to ask if they are interested in trying the products and becoming a preferred customer..

Live Your Dreams

Kenji Tay
Network Marketing Singapore