I have came across alot of network marketers having a lot of trouble sponsoring people into their business. If you are having trouble in network marketing and have research on the internet for solutions, you will probably realise that there are tons of programs out there, selling a familiar tag line: "traditional network marketing methods do not work anymore", or "your close friends start ignoring you".. making you interested in trying their programs.

If you have been feeling that what they sound seems true, then you probably are having trouble addressing your warm market.

While I couldn't agree more that we, as entreprenuers must evolve with technology and learn new techniques so as to grow and improve ourselves everyday, I woudn't agree that traditional network marketing methods is outdated. Lets just say, network marketing today is about combining both mixtures of old and new school marketing techniques.

New techniques is targeting your cold market, while old techniques targets your warm market. If you have a combination of the 2, you are opening your prospecting funnel wider than just using one technique.

Ok, so.. why do most people fail in network marketing using traditional network marketing methods ? I would say, it has a lot to do with "Posturing" (read my post on posturing by clicking on the link). If you are able to posture yourself well, you will not behave or act the way which others deemed as pathetic or "social harressing".

Should you not posture yourself well, surely, you would still have trouble sponsoring people from the cold market area.

At this moment, let us agree on a common fact that since not everyone might be interested in the business, addressing both warm and cold market opens up our prospecting funnel wider, thus giving us more people to share our business with. I will discuss more on the techniques of addressing the warm market in my next post. Just remember.. don't rule out your warm market yet..

Live Your Dreams

Kenji Tay
Network Marketing Singapore